Monday, April 30, 2012

Miniatures Monday--Little Swimsuit

Warm weather is here, and C-K's doll, Abby, was in need of a swimsuit.  Luckily there were some cute candidates for a restyle at the dollar store--in the infant section!

I'm sad to say I have forgotten to take a before picture--again. Sorry.

I decided the tiny suit would be in the same style as the infant suit--just smaller.  The front neckline is separate, and the back, armholes, and straps are a continuous piece. I started by removing the continuous binding and cutting the front neckline width to fit.  (I always feel bad for the dolls when their cloth body shows, so I made the neckline seam just a bit wide to try and camouflage.  Next time I would make the front neckline a bit narrower for better proportion.)

I was able to pin the suit around the doll to create new cutting lines for the back and upper edge--my disappearing marker was a great help.  I then sketched in new leg openings which are finished with elastic and then turned under.

This was a very fun project--C-K and Abby will be ready for summer!


  1. Wouaw, and do you have a pattern for that? I have an American Girl and I would love to make such a swimsuit!

    1. Hi, Sophie! Thanks! I didn't end up with a pattern, just stitched it up by fitting it to the doll. I'll stick that idea in the back of my mind and see what comes out!

  2. Very cleverly done. I have made a couple pieces for American Girl dolls this past winter but needed a pattern to get anywhere. The idea of starting with a garment and cutting it down til it fits is brilliant.

    1. Hi, Linda! Thanks--I love restyling! Have you seen Care's blog post on restyling baby clothes for dolls! Check it out:


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