I found the teapot at a yard sale for $.50, and the apple and grapes are from the thrift store (you may notice that apple-themed items are pretty common at the thrift store right now). I believe I paid $3.00 each for the two of them, months or years apart--this is about the highest I will go, but it seems to be harder to find pleasing, larger fruits and vegetables.
The apple is 9" high, the grapes 8-1/2", and the pear 7".
I have to admit right here that I
purchased the platter new (gasp!) at MacFrugal's for $5.99 some years ago--but the plate hanger for the platter was a recent thrift store purchase, $.50. I think I had the platter first, and I accumulated the canisters before I realized they made a unit. Serendipity!
You can also see one of my new, white, updated Mother's Day outlets just to the side there, a project gift from Care and hubby. Thanks, guys! Sets off my updated countertop and backsplash nicely!
I have that apple jar! Love it!